The gradually-emerging mint and not-at-all-emerging rudbeckia have been moved out from under the plastic. Ridiculously, I want my gardening to be instant-gratification. The rudbeckia aren't being cooperative, so out they come. The mint is too slow.

In their sunny, warm place go 6 pots of scarlet runner beans, 3 pots of string beans, and 9 pots of nasturtiums. We know at the plot that we can grow beans in the ground from seed no problem, so they are not so much of a worry, but I would love to put fast-growing things into the yard without too much of a pause between start and reward. People walk on them, otherwise.
The double-narcissus is just from a pot at the grocery store. All the other blooms are pretty much over, but this one (these two?) is (are?) flourishing.
I should be more patient about the planting. I should also be a bit more cautious about when I start things. The peas are really coming along and they may be potbound before the ground can take them.
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