And how could they not, when they're looking so fine? And when the hyacinths are so gamely giving blooming a try?

In truth of fact, the zwanenburg bronzes are starting to fade. They didn't much like me pulling the leaf pile away. Apparently it was a load-bearing leaf pile.

I had a bit of a quandary when I was doing the clearing. There is a plant that is taking over the patch and I'm pretty sure that it's a weed. Basically, if it grows like that, it has to be a weed. The thing is that I have put a few things in the earth that I know to be "aggressive". I thought a patch of thyme would be more welcome than an empty rockpile. I was sure some mint might be welcome, if only to do battle with the thyme. I genuinely want some lavender to take hold.
Unfortunately, I haven't been the most meticulous record-keeper and I can't for the life of me remember what was deliberate.
At any rate, I yanked up a fair amount of the stuff that looked like this:

I left in the ones that looked like these:

I didn't do much to improve the front, but these lovely little pale purple guys (nameless because I am clueless) are now poking through. What heroes they are! They are battling against seriously bad odds.

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