The beans and nasturtiums flat has been moved wholesale to the place where the peas were. The mint remains (too tiny for me to believe it's time to move it).

The peas and beets have been put outside for the day. The beets were tragically dry and I have probably really done them in. I'm only completing the job that Chutney began, I guess. Time to start the real, outdoor garden and put seeds directly into the ground.

On the germination windowsill, only the basil (and one pea that I can't quite bring myself to just kill because it didn't thrive and won't thrive) remain. And with that, it's only the basil that I haven't killed yet.

Time for me to think about what goes under the plastic next. In my grand plan, I thought I'd be putting cucumbers and zucchinis in this weekend. Also beets and late leeks. I thought I'd be planting beets every week. In retrospect, that would have been a good idea.
I am so excited about the leeks that I just can't say. If I'd been on the ball earlier, I would have tried early indoor starting for early leeks. I love leeks but they're expensive to buy. I'm betting they're temperamental to grow. I know that other people with plots in our garden grow leeks, so it can be done somehow.
The marigolds haven't had any attention at all lately. I've been lavishing all my attention on the fast-growing beans. I have been thinking that they (the marigolds) would be earth-ready soon. My book says that they should go into the earth when it's warm. It's not going to be warm for a while yet. Must find new, bigger pots for those guys.
As can be gathered from the previous paragraph, I've consulted my book. I think the peas, beets and beans can go into their respective bits of real dirt this weekend (which the meteorologists are currently predicting will be rainy. Oh, goody). I don't know where the basil and mint will be going once they are ready for the earth. Probably some of each will go into a little pot like the one the chives are growing in. (They're doing nicely, by the way ... I know I haven't said much about them of late.)
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