The beets, after Chutney had her way with them. I didn't notice at first that she loosed her venom on the peas, too.

Now, I know that she can't possibly be aware that these are my favourite veggies. Still, it feels like a personal attack. This could be because I now get up in the morning and check the flats before I fill her food dish. She may be wishing that I throw her a ball instead of admiring the flats before heading out to work.

The chives and marigolds are still fine. They've been sitting on one of her favourite looking-out windowsills for a while now. The peas in the flats as yet un-potted-on are in quite dire straits. It's well past time for them to be moved into bigger containers, but I still haven't had a chance to get soil. Maybe this evening.

The pea on the right (in focus) has a root showing.

See it?

The mint and rudbeckia stolidly refuse to do anything. If they're not up by this weekend, they lose their under-plastic status, I am afraid. I've got plans.

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