The sprouting count is up to all 6 scarlet runners showing something, two of three beans believably up and one lurking subterraneously. The nasturtiums continue as before, with two potentially dormant pots. I'm happy with our results so far.

My favourite at the moment is the bean that lurked below its cover for so long. It burst out of the ground, still pushing its skin ahead of it. I couldn't be patient about it.

I know I shouldn't mess with the sprouts when they're so young and delicate, but I really, really, really wanted to see what was hidden beneath the skin. I'm delighted that I did.

It has a secret hidden between its lovely green bean-cheeks.

It's got tiny, perfect, pre-formed leaves hiding in there.

Max: 6.8 Min: -1.5 Rain: 0.3mm
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