This lunch hour we visited our plot to see what our starting point will be. The gardening association had its AGM last night (to the tune of 1.5h) and that inspired us to check out the state of affairs.

The plot is looking fairly rough, as one might expect for springtime. However, it's not dreadfully rough. Most of the mess is our leftover beanstalks from last year. There is some blown-in rubbish that we'll have to clear when the time comes.
There is also a fair number of stones and bits of flotsam. Last winter was warm and then cold and then warm and then cold again, which I think brings the rocks to the surface. The heaving plucked some bulbs out of the earth, for sure. In the garden at home some of the bulbs have been forced out and the potato I put in made its way, nastily, to the surface.
The bulbs in the earth at the plot are of course not daffodils, but onions and garlic. The garlic is looking well. Mike tried to pull one out but it would seem that only the surface of the soil has thawed so far. The garlic wasn't budging.

The onions had a bad run of it. They were planted in the late fall and so therefore presumably didn't get a chance to root in before the freeze/thaw cycle started. They're still very much alive, though. It's amazing how well they are thriving.

The onion below is still very much alive with roots digging into the ground, despite being completely uprooted by the frost heave.

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