Inside isn't all that delightful, to be honest. There's no fire; unless you count the furnace. Nonetheless, it is better than outside.

The snow did come. It's not serious about itself. It really thinks that it's rain. Nonetheless, I am not putting the hardening-offs onto this:

(This is a picture of the deck, where I dropped one of the peas and spilled its soil earlier). What you see is something akin to snow (definitely frozen, slushy water anyway) with pockmarks in it where the liquid rain has fallen. It's an attempt at photographing uck.
The daffodils are re-thinking their progress, I suspect. They were nearly out on Wednesday and they're still nearly out today.

On the windowsill, broken string bean number 2 (not the one I maybe broke, but the one that presumably the birds went after) is already sprouting a new leaf.

It's nearly May. For obvious reasons, I am not singing, "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." More like: "Make it stop! make it stop! make it stop!"
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