Saturday, April 18, 2009

Focus on Crocus

Yesterday afternoon, while the sun was shining, I took some pictures of the crocuses.  I did it partly because it makes me happy to see them blooming and partly because when they're open, they are distinguishable in ways that they're not when they're closed.  
In fact, I missed one set of crocuses completely when I was giving the most recent update because I mistakenly identified one batch of pictures as being a second set of the same flower.  Not so.  I have two sets which are slightly blue-y white.  They're very different when they open.  (Above are the Blue Pearl and below are the starlike ones.)
There are the star-like crocus which were in last year.  I don't have their name recorded anywhere, which is a shame.  They're bluish-white on the outside.
There are the white crocus which I put in this year.  They're called Peter Pan, and I planted 24 of them.  I don't think they're up yet.  I think they're probably the ones about to emerge from the forest at the sunny side of the front.  
There are the white crocus with the blue petals, called Blue Pearl, which I also put in this year.  Their blue outside is really quite striking, despite what I wrote when I was planting them.
There are blu-ish purple crocuses, nameless, which I put in a few years ago.  
When I took the pictures, there was one yellow amid the Blue Pearls and I thought it was a rogue mis-plant (all of the bulbs look alike, don't you know).  However, this morning there are many more yellow bloomers.  They are the Golden Yellow I planted last autumn.
I notice that the labels for the Golden Yellow say EARLY as do the Blue Pearl, but the Blue Pearl definitely came out first.  Very definitely.  Some day I'll write down the order so that I might have a chance of planning.   I have a dream of having a deliberate garden, in which the blooms come in a lovely stream and there is nice leafiness all the time.  As it is, I think I get some pleasant stretches in the spring, but the rest is hopeless.  Little bursts of bloom happen here and there.  Leafiness happens in late- and midsummer when everything is weedy and leafy anyway.  Still, I like it.  

So do passers-by, which I dig.  I like having the joy spread around. 

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