Monday, October 20, 2008


The weather prediction for the day after tomorrow contains a graphic I'm not yet ready to see.
Edited to add: Despite the dire prognostication, there was no evidence of snow where we are.

Another quickie

I did dig up the front corner and put lots of yummy manure and compost in it for the new things, plus bone meal.  I planted all the snowdrops and crocuses and a good number of daffodils and tulips.  I even planted all of the new bulb irises.  I dug up a few viable-looking old crocus bulbs and returned them to the ground, moving my dig site over a few inches as necessary.  I dug up a few truly horrible-looking non-viable gladiolus bulbs.  Do they ever turn into something nasty when they decay!  But then all of the early things were planted and it came to be time to put late things in the sunny sections of the yard.  

The thing is, the sunny sections of the yard STILL have zinnias, marigolds and one lovely nasturtium clinging to life in single-digit temperatures.  I can't dig them up.  I just can't do it.   I will have to dig into frosty ground when I next have a chance (3 weeks, maybe?) but I can't kill that sweet little nasturtium that I started myself from seed.  I can't do in the marigolds which have so obligingly filled my little patch with a pretty glow.  I cannot possibly harm the gorgeous zinnias which are still producing new buds, for crying out loud!  Even the gazanias, which aren't exactly flowering, but do have a few optimistic-looking flowerheads.  I find I can't touch 'em.  

I'm just an old softie, that's all.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Popping in

I'm home for a few days and delighted to see that the zinnia and marigolds are still blooming!  It's not warm anymore; most days stay below 15 celsius, but on they bravely go.  

My sister had autumn crocuses in her Toronto garden (she moved in last winter so everything is a pleasant surprise) which made me think I should have some in my own.  But all I really need is zinnias, apparently!  

I have been reading the anti-chrysanthemum writings of this blogger, which have made me shy away from putting in mums and cabbages.  Well, I say that, but honestly, I haven't put the bulbs in yet so it's not like I'd be doing any gardening if I did pick up some nice autumnal annuals.  

Hopefully I will get a few minutes this weekend to deal with some of the gardening issues.  The tree has tar spot so we need to get all of its leaves into the municipal compost and away from the roots.  All trees in town have tar spot at the moment.  But with luck I'll find time to take some pictures of the miracle marigolds and zealous zinnias.  

I'm feeling quite chuffed about the garden at the moment.  My first flowers started on March 6th and it's now October 17th and I've still got blooms!  It's like I can actually do it or something.  No matter how much of it has to do with luck and climate change, I am well pleased with myself and the garden for providing well over half a year's worth of blooming in a northern climate.  

Friday, October 3, 2008

And we're off

Well, I haven't accomplished much more in the garden since the last whinge.  Not surprising, given what the rest of life is like, but there you go. 
At least the new bed in front passed the first two tests (not destroyed in hurricane and nobody has walked on it yet).