Thursday, April 23, 2009

After the deluge

We've been having heavy rain for the last couple of days.  The predictions are for summery and glorious weather over the weekend.  That will add up to a lot of change in the garden.  

The hard rain and hail (did I mention the hail?) was more than many of the crocuses could handle.  The front purple crocus are about half done in.
The front star-like crocus look like they might all be a-gonner.
The side satin purple crocus, which were already on the way out the door before the rain started, are truly done in.  
The Blue Pearls didn't do well, but the golden yellow held up a treat.  
The weather rang the death knell for the Joyce iris.
The sunny weekend should bring out the daffodils.  I am so excited, I can almost taste it.  Of course, I wouldn't because they're toxic, but I am VERY excited about the coming of the daffs.

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