So, before heading away for a while, I thought I'd take some pictures of our yard.

We'll miss the very peak of the grape hyacinths, although they are looking very good right now.

Looking not so good are the nasturtiums, but they're planted. We'll see if there is just a graveyard to admire when we return. I hope they'll rebound.

The marigolds are still very small. They aren't obvious, but there are 19 in the ground and hopefully some of those will survive to produce some pretty orange flowers for me later in the summer.

The tulips are looking like they might be out soon. I am sorry to miss them.

The scarlet runner beans may survive. The "lawn" surrounding them looks so awful, I suspect that they won't.

The ones by the house should have something to grab on to, but I haven't had time to provide it, so that won't go well. Such is the life, I guess.

The full-sized hyacinths are really past it, but holding on. They are delightfully long lived.

The daffs are wonderful. Drunks walking by the house at 1 am comment on how nice they are (loudly enough for it to waft through my closed bedroom window).
We'll have to wait and see what "after" will be like.
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