Friday, April 18, 2008

Hard-Hearted Hardening

The peas, scarlet runner beans and beets got put out into the rain today.  They're going to have to get used to it soon enough.  The peas need staking now.  They flop over in the pot.  The scarlet runners are huge!  They presumably are not going to be able to expand much more in their current environment.
Speaking of which, the basil, long neglected, got some attention today.  I am amazed to announce that the roots worked the way through the egg carton!  
I have been meaning to move them into larger containers for a while.  Their growth seems to have halted abruptly.  Hopefully, moving them will be good for them and will encourage more growth.  Actual, basil-like leaves for example. 
Unfortunately, 2/3 of the way through, we suddenly remembered what day it was and where we had to be when and ... well ... the job stopped abruptly 2/3 of the way through.  I'll tackle it again probably in the morning.  It's been too long and tiring a day to finish it now.  I think I broke roots on half the plants I put into bigger pots today, anyway.  They must have more than one root, right?  Maybe I'll find the energy to do the last two this evening.  I do feel bad when I see them sitting orphaned in their eggcups. 
The secret string bean is not yet leafed.  It does have little nubbles appearing by the bean-cheeks (which are probably called cotyledons, but really, I think I'm on to something with bean-cheeks).  
The nasturtiums are wonderful.  It sounds like they're not going to be transplanted happily and that's a shame.  I'll be well and truly sorry to have done them in because right now their little plate-like leaves wave at me whenever I go into the room and there's no finer pick-me-up than that.

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