Monday, September 1, 2008


This afternoon I spent some time wringing out grated zucchini in preparation for freezing it.  I wish I could say it wasn't the first time this summer I'd spent lots of time squishing grated zucchini, but in fact we now have something like 20 zucchini grated and stored in our fridge.  

I have carefully set it into 2 cup bunches, which seems to be what the recipe books all call for.  I even salted one bunch; boy did that ever produce a large quantity of liquid.  

I don't know what I'm going to do with all this zucchini juice.  I have watered the plants a bit with it.  I put the rest into a jar, for the next watering.  It's such an exquisite colour.  What a magnificent green!  It must be good, right?

I am looking forward to the delicious mid-winter zucchini bread.  Earlier this month, I made the bread from James Beard's book and it was fantastic.  It was so good I'm going to have a hard time moving on and trying someone else's.  I made a zucchini chocolate cake (not the one I showed the recipe for earlier; for some reason I can't get cocoa at the moment) and it, too, was wonderful.  Plus, it had zucchini, so it was healthy, right?

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