I took the opportunity to (leave work early and) take some pictures of the state of the side yard.
We have the Zwanenburg Bronze crocuses. They're three weeks into their flowering and they've been blasted by a couple of rough snow storms. Some of the blooms are looking a little haggard, but they're still radiating springy glory.

There is the patch of Pickwicks, just starting. There is a stray pickwick on the other side of the thyme to the zwb's. I must have dug it up at some point (I do that ALL THE TIME) and just dumped it wherever. It's opening, too.

There are some daffodil starts poking through and some interesting tulip-looking things. I am quite excited about the hyacinth, which is opening up, starlike, when the weather permits.

There is still a small pool of ice in the front, but most of the bulb-filled places are clear. Yesterday on the way home from work I saw some blooming snowdrops and early yellow (but not Zw) crocuses. Ahhh. Spring at last!