Sunday, June 15, 2008


The grape hyacinths are doing the thing they do after they finish blooming, which is to sprout rather interesting-looking plate-like things.  I have always assumed that they were something to do with seeds without actually considering that my grape hyacinths grow from bulbs.  The bulbs can be split after they get to be big ... they grow a sort of offshoot.  No seeds required.  
So when I noticed that there were some little white bobbules on stems amongst the dying leaves of my pickwick crocuses, I should have thought harder than I did (I thought: "oh, I missed some dead flowers.  How clumsy").  
This morning, one of the bobbules was burst open and there are seeds inside.  And there are lots of other bobbules popping up out of the ground.  
Most definitely, I have crocus seeds.  
What do I do with them?

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