Saturday, March 29, 2008

Trading spaces

I've given up on the last of the marigold sprouts and taken the flats out from under the plastic because I have a fear of giving them "damping off disease".  I don't know what that is, exactly, but I don't want them to get it, for sure.

The beets are coming up like gangbusters ... we're up to 8.  They're so pretty and red.  

I replaced the marigold flats with egg cartons with mint and basil.  I started with the mint seeds which were impossibly small.  I got all set to handle the basil with the same kind of precautions and it turns out that the basil seeds are not miniscule, so it's alright.  

I managed to knock one of the marigold flats over, spewing water and soil all over the floor and our newspapers.  It says something that what I am really relieved about is that the marigolds are all (apparently) OK.  No pointless fretting about the handmade bookcase or indeed the books in it for me.

There is a lot of snow on the ground outside.  It's very pretty, but also very snowy.

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