I was pulling up weeds yesterday morning when my old optimism came to call.
I remembered that when I was cleaning up last fall, the marigolds were spewing seeds about the garden willy-nilly. It would not be crazy for those seeds to be emerging about now. So, halfway through the weeding, I stopped pulling up things that looked like this:

The marigolds that I grew from seed last year had much longer first leaves before the true leaves came in, but it's a pretty good match. Good enough for me to wait a little while before I yank 'em, anyway.
I kept ripping out anything that looked like clover.

I kept ripping out anything that looked like wild carrot.

I kept ripping out these little guys which start with three bluish leaves.

I kept ripping out these little guys (which are the ones I initially mistook for alyssum). They're everywhere.

I also tore up every maple I could find and things that were definitely grass. I left things that might be baby bulbs.
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