I have started to wonder if it could possibly be the brunnera, somehow transplanted through all that destructive digging I did last year. I can't quite bring myself to believe it, even though I think the leaves are a pretty good match to the pictures I have from the plant last year. It looks like the brunnera, but a) the brunnera looks like it has leaves that come out of the stem in pairs and this guy comes up in singles

.... and b) I planted the brunnera in the sunny patch in front of the rhododendron and this guy is up behind the hostas. There was nothing there last year (as this crappy picture shows).

Of course, any of my speculations should be taken with a grain of salt. For some time yesterday, I managed to convince myself that the polka-dotted leaves which are exactly like those belonging to pulmonaria, (such as it is photographed online, anyway) were the calla lily I planted last year. You may say I'm a dreamer.

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