Exciting news, everyone! There are PEAS growing from the pea plants in our garden plot! Yey!

All in all, the plot is going very well. There are lots and lots of scallions coming up on the far left of the picture below. There are so many scallion shoots that it just looks like grass in some places. It needs thinning. There are egyptian walking onions in the back, flourishing. There are beets and radishes doing very very well. The beets need thinning and so do the radishes, but not quite as desperately as the beets.

There are new peas (the indoor peas that survived being put out before the snow are the ones that are producing pods right now) sprouting in the back of the picture below, and there are zucchini to the left and beans in the middle and at the far right is some flourishing garlic.

The egyptian walking onions might be said to be bearing fruit, too. I think the flowers are the edible bits.

The new peas are doing just fine.

The radishes are going gangbusters. Are they ever fun to grow! I remember the very first year we tried to grow things in a barrel in our back yard and the radishes at least sprouted. So eager.

The garlic really does look good. We're all very pleased at the thought of home-grown garlic.

As yet unsprouting are 5 potatoes. Our plan is to eat the beets, radishes, and scallions and put cucumbers in their place. That's what we did last year and it worked a treat. Maybe this year, I'll start a plant or two indoors so we can have production going quickly (like those FABULOUS peas!!!). I'd like to have some more veggies on the go at the house. It was fun to watch them come up.
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