Saturday, June 5, 2010

Writing it down, for once

Yes, gardening has been happening. And not enough weeding. But I haven't felt up to updating the blog. Too bad.

This post is about some seeds that went into pots on the back porch. The point is that the pots are unlabelled and therefore some record needs to be made (better than the back of the envelope that currently exists) of what went where.

There are 8 individual 2X2 pots and they're set up in pairs. The top pair (closest to the next step up) is Ruckle beans. Next is Pinto. Next is Orca. The pair closest to the edge of the step they're sitting on is Kenearly.

To the west of those pairs of 2X2 pots are some 6-pot sets. They've all got Columbine. All 12 of them.

To the west of those are another set of sixers. The north set have Crocosmia and the south set have trollius.

To the west of those are a pair of larger pots. The north one has Joe Pie Weed and the south one has Gay Feather.

Off the steps there is a midsized round plastic pot sitting in a silicon cake pan (what else is it good for, after all?) and that's holding Maltese Cross.

The largest round pot has beans and cilantro.

The pots on the south side of the porch also have been planted. The big, squat one has lettuce. The lettuces are coming up already. Next to that there's a slightly ornamented pot which has a killed basil plant trying to pretend that it wasn't killed. It's also been planted with parsley. There's also a parsley pot on the steps below, as well as a basil pot.

As of today, the only thing coming up is the lettuces. I think the beans won't be too long behind, since they did sprout at the plot in decent time. I have no idea how old the parsley and basil seeds are, so they may be dodgy. The columbine and others were all from the Public Gardens Open House on May 15 and they may just not come up at all; who knows. I know that this wasn't the right time to be planting them.

I also picked up that basil (which got killed), a tomato (struggling at the plot), a runner bean (struggling at the side of the house) and a bit of lavender (also struggling a bit, next to the house) from the Public Gardens Open House.

Last weekend, we picked up some perennials from the garden centre at the grocery store. There were 4 of them and I honestly cannot at the moment recall the names of a single one.

At the plot there are beans (up) and lettuce (nearly ready) and we put in 2 potatoes. There is the single struggling tomato and two green peppers, similarly struggling. There was a lot of parsley seed which probably will come to naught, as well.

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