Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Autumn leaves

At this time of year, my one of my favourite activities is tromping through shin-high stacks of rustling leaves. I know, I know: Simple pleasures, simple minds. But I'm happy and that's all that matters.

Our tree, which has tar spot for the second year running, is less happy. I have been having a go at getting the leaves away from its roots, but since its roots are under our deck and the leaves have complete freedom to wander there I think we are looking at another year of tar spot next year.

I did fill the composter with leaves on Monday night. That was a surprisingly pleasant activity, too. We've had a fair bit of rain, so the leaves were tending to be in well-compacted piles. And I had to do most of the work in the gathering dark. At this time of year (especially after the clocks change) I don't get home in daylight hours. That has a slight dampening effect on my mood and a pretty serious effect on my chore-doing. Any excuse and the garden is neglected. But I do like our tree very much and I didn't want to leave the leaves to rot on our deck, either, so one composter's worth is on its way to the municipality. In two weeks' time I suppose we'll have to start filling bags to get rid of the excess.

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