The herbs in the window are now doing quite well. When we got back from our trip, I was expecting to find them all dead, but our nice cat sitter had watered them without being asked. Lucky plants.

The parsley is positively running amok.

The basil I am carefully and sternly pinching back in the hopes that we'll have some nice bushy plants instead of the stilts we had last time.

The chive, singular, is looking pretty nice for a chive, singular.

The coriander is suffering terribly because it's in a small pot that I didn't water enough. The good news is that as soon as I'd taken this picture (honesty, full disclosure and all that) I did water it and water it well. Hopefully it'll stand up again (as much as it does, anyway) shortly.

I have a dream of setting up time-lapse photography on the windowsill to document the plants reaching for the sun. I turn them when I'm home, and a quarter turn every day leads to dramatic results. They are such neat things!
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