The nifty frost background, by the way, is achieved entirely through the gift of window filth. The problem is that the filth is not on the inside. Oh, no. That I can (and, indeed, occasionally do) clean. It's not on the outside, either. That I can clean (and for some perverse reason I do it much more often than the inside side). Nope. It is neither on the inside nor on the outside. It is between the two.
I can borrow a ladder and reach the outside (storm) window, but I can't possibly remove it. When we moved in, there were a number of storms in the basement. All of them got broken by me, trying to move them. Every last one of them. They are great big flimsy panes of glass in great big flimsy aluminum frames. The frames buckle and turn under the weight of the glass, which then snaps because it's being buckled and turned. This is unpleasant enough in the relative safety of the basement, but if it happened while I was lugging a great big heavy awkward thing at the top of a ladder, I am 100% certain that disaster would ensue. Bloody, bone-broken, garden-below-ruined-forever disaster. It's just not a possibility.
So, I don't know what to do. The previous owner of the house smoked, and we managed to get rid of the stench and guck pretty well but there are a few windows still suffering. Of course, grime from other sources might have gotten in there, but I'm inclined to blame the evil weed.
I have no idea how to fix the problem. Some day, the solution will appear, I am sure. In the mean time, I have to content myself with "frosted" bedroom windows.
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