It's another stunning fall day out there. On Friday, the temperatures dropped and we had our first frost (that's Oct 30, 2009, for those of you keeping track). We walked to work through the public gardens, drinking in the thick air and admiring the frost-steam coiling off every surface the sun touched.
Our maple tree is still dropping leaves like they're going out of fashion, which of course they are. Last night it was very windy. I went out in the afternoon to get a composterful of leaves off the ground and within a half hour there was very little to show that I'd done the raking at all. It rained like crazy after that, but fortunately it held out until after the trick-or-treating was done. We had a grand total of 8 trick-or-treaters and that's including the two adults in costumes who came round collecting canned goods for the food bank.

At the market, between picking up fresh eggs and apple cider I passed some beautiful bulbs for sale and thought about picking some up. I want to try my hand at forcing some time and I haven't added any bulbs to the garden this year. But I thought that I was being silly: When would I have time or opportunity to put bulbs in the ground when it was already nearly November? But I absolutely had time, opportunity and motivation yesterday and today is nearly as perfect a gardening day. I shouldn't have dismissed the idea so quickly. Ah, well.
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