We made a trip to the seed store on Saturday (March 22) and came home with a bag filled with hope and promise.
Zucchini, leeks, cucumbers, string beans, scarlet runner beans, peas, beets and spring onions.
Chives, basil, and mint.
Marigolds, nasturtiums, and rudbeckia.
Cress as an experiment to make sprouts.
Flat of "recycled" and "peat-free" small seed starting pots, complete with clear plastic cover (5 sets of ten pots). Flat of same stuff larger pots (6 sets of 3 pots).

From Canadian Tire, I splurged and got the Miracle Gro seed germinating soil to fill them with.
On Sunday, I put peas into the first set of 10, beets into the second, marigolds into the third and fourth (can never have too many marigolds, right?) and rudbeckia into the fifth. Then I checked it 10 minutes later to see if anything had sprouted. And ten minutes after that. And about half an hour after that. It turns out that I don't have a lot of patience, actually.

I also put some chives into a small indoor pot for the kitchen window, and some cress into a jar in the broom closet for (hopefully) sprouts.
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